Our Community
Having been to one too many boring corporate networking events, we decided to bring a different tact to our functions. We centre our nights around a particular theme, one that resonates with our company and its core values. That theme usually revolves around our guest speaker, who shares their own story with our guests in a short talk. To expand that theme we bring in an artist to display their works around our office walls for the night. We then get everyone engaged into some kind of activity, whether it's drawing on our chalk wall along one side of the office, to sitting down and chatting with our guest artist. Add in some food, a few drinks, and some good company and we're ready to roll!
2019 – Resilience
Having recently retired, Dr Andrews shared with us a few touching stories of patients he had encountered over his 40 year career as a psychiatrist in the public sector, and the lessons he learnt along the way. Each story gave us an insight into the resilience of the human spirit, and using his practical skills as a clinician he gave us some new tools and tips we could all use to be more resilient in our own lives.
While studying Design and Art Education at UNSW Cobie suffered a spinal cord injury which has since changed the way she approaches both life and art. Her shining example of resilience,and how she expresses herself visually complemented our theme for the night extremely well!
2019 – Embracing Change
Jason shared with us his powerful experience of 'coming out' to his wife and kids, and how he learnt to move forward both personally and professionally. Company director, Executive, Father, and friend were all roles he feared might change. His story gave us all a wonderful new perspective on "Embracing Change".
To supplement Jason's story Michael Hartley presented his artworks around our office. Currently studying a Bachelor of Fine Arts, his works portray the LGBTIQ+ community.
2018 – Culture! You're Living In It!
After 30 years with the ATO Steve Wilcox began consulting internationally, giving guidance to more than 20 countries based on his financial acumen. Working in so many different countries exposed Steve to a number of different cultures and working environments. Sharing stories from across the globe Steve gave us an idea of how we can better understand the working culture we find ourselves in, whether that's overseas or right here at home.
Grace Chiundiza is a registered Music Therapist, who has been using her creative talents to help children and adults with various clinical and personal issues. Having moved to Australia from Zimbabwe more than 20 years ago Grace's art reflects her own journey into new cultures, and exudes her passion.